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IT Audit
Mobile Portal
Net Planner
CRM Systems
Customer Relationship Management
ECR Systems
Efficient Consumer Response
ERP Systems
Enterprise Resource Planning
Maintenance and Administration of Systems
Dedicated trainings
Other services

BNC sp. z.o.o. develops and integrates cutting-edge information systems, which allow for the creation of an optimal and wholesome solution. We poses a family of existing products, however we constantly seek out new challenges and ways of conquering them.

The two most recent additions to the BNC product family are the "Mobile Portal" and "Net Planner". The first, is an online system that allows for the distribution of applications and personalization of mobile devices. The latter, is an online project management system, capable of coordinating thousand of tasks simultaneously.

Our established products include MIDDLEWARE (data integration systems), customer relationship management (CRM), efficient customer response (ECR) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions.

Below please find more details about our line of products:


The mobile portal allows for the distribution of applications and services, as well as the personalization of cell phones, PDA's and other mobile devices. It's main function is to bring mobile device to both individual and corporation norms. Thanks to the solutions offered by the portal these devices can be centrally integrated. The distribution of third-party applications such as calendars, email clients, CRM, ERP, and reporting systems allow employees to perform their duties both in and out of the office.


This project management solution is also based on the portal idea. Net Planner allows for time management of individuals, as well as entire project teams. The system gives it's users the ability to manage extremely large projects; thousands of people, managing tens of thousands of tasks, at the same time taking into account all individual training sessions and career paths.[more...]

CRM SYSTEMS (Customer Relationship Management)

Integrated Customer Relationship Management Systems are intended for computer service of processes taking place in the company which are connected with activity at the point of contact company-customer, that is mainly in the sales department, marketing, hot-line, call-center, etc. Applying this kind of systems in the company allows for better fulfillment of the needs of purchasers of our products and services, with simultaneous reduction of costs. CRM system that works efficiently should be the basic information tool in modern companies. [more...]


Integrated Enterprise Resource Planning Systems are intended for computer service of internal processes taking place in the company. ERP allow for planning and coordinating activity of the company at various levels - from strategic to operational. ERP make assessments of different variants of action of the company and make it simpler for managers to take decisions optimal in particular circumstances. Modular structure of systems allows for connecting (if necessary) subsequent applications, which enables building a system that perfectly matches the Client's requirements. These are modules supporting production processes, managing materials, personnel, finances etc. [more...]


Software that supports the Strategy of Efficient Consumer Response mainly aims at improving relationships among companies cooperating in a chain of product delivery so as to obtain the largest mutual benefits. Making these contacts more efficient allows for a better reaction to the consumers' needs as well as reduction of costs concerning distribution, which results in new market opportunities. [more...]


Software used for obtaining data from various systems, their integration, processing into any necessary form and maintaining correctness. It can act as a link between different platforms, data bases, applications, etc. [more...]


We are able to maintain every system that we have produced, as well as the one already existing in a particular company, with guarantee of the best quality of our service. Through maintaining a system we mean not only administrating the solution, that is taking care of how it works. Out of our concern about our Client's satisfaction we constantly improve the systems we maintain, detecting and eliminating possible mistakes, as well as adjusting the software to newly occurring requirements of the users. Lines of support made by Bit.net are very highly appreciated by our Clients.


We offer the possibility of dedicated training sessions for our clients. The training sessions can deal with all sorts of different subjects, including the possibilities of using and maintaining our software, and/or other innovative solutions. By responding to our partners' needs, we organize sessions, which allow for the most efficient utilization of our systems. Acting in this manner helps our clients to minimize the time and effort put into a project, because the training sessions deal with specific, hands-on parts of the software. Thanks to our dedicated training solutions all important information regarding a project is in your hands, which allows you to fully utilize the implemented solution.


Apart from producing dedicated solutions adjusted to the requirements of the Client, we also offer the possibility to adapt solutions available on the market to the specific needs of a particular company, as well as to expand or modify systems already existing in a particular unit.
We will be delighted to offer you our help in various kinds of work related to advanced information issues.

How do we accomplish our projects?

BNC sp. z.o.o. deals with complex software development life cycles. Using our experience, we have developed a cooperation model, which optimizes these processes. It includes:

  • Professional analysis; an objective research into the real needs of our clients, existing tools and work methods, as well as establishing a business model.
  • Project planning; establishing structure of the project and team communication.
  • Choosing a solution, which optimizes ease of use and costs of implementation.
  • Integrating the solution with support procedures and support lines.
  • Consulting and training sessions
  • Implementing the final solution, along with procedures required to adjust the solution in case of a change in the organization's strategy
  • Maintenance and periodic upgrades of the system
® 2005 bnc Sp. z o.o. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone